Tuesday, March 23

Ephesians 4:1-10


I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Paul, while a guest in a Roman jail awaiting trial, sent a message to the Christians at Ephesus. The message was clear, then and now. If we call ourselves Christians, we have accepted Christ's resurrection as our salvation for our lives and souls by faith. Having accepted Christ as our Savior, are we not obligated to emulate the life examples he gave us?

The obvious answer is yes. How can we call ourselves Christians and do other? Our lives should be a testimony for our love of Jesus by how we conduct ourselves.

St. Paul and Martin Luther are examples of Christians who put their lives on the line because of their love and belief in Christ. We have been called by Christ to become examples for other people. Pastors, Sunday school teachers, Scout leaders, Stephen Ministers, missionaries and those who help feed the disenfranchised are examples of Christians showing compassion to the human need so deeply evident in our daily lives. Our love for Christ is shown by how we use the blessings given to us.

Father in heaven, inspire us to follow the example of your Son, Jesus Christ, as he made a difference in the lives he touched so many years ago. We thank you for your love and generosity in making us a part of your family. Amen.

Richard McDiffett

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