Thursday, March 25

1 Thessalonians 5:1-19


But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to respect those who labor among you and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.

Thirty years ago I met my husband, Scott. I thought our meeting was karma, true love, love at first sight. I don't remember exactly when he told me that I almost didn't make it to a second date with him.

The problem was that first-date discussion. He asked me about my co-workers. I responded with passion - they were all thieves.

One employee took company postage; another fudged on his timecard; a third upped his expense receipts. Each one cheated the company in some way. I felt it justified my mantra - there is no perfect employee. Scott found me terribly negative.

Over the years, I discovered more about my co-workers. One rushed home to a special-needs child. Her child - 23 years old - would cry if she were late. Another employee feared I would find out that he was an alcoholic and turn him in. A third flipped his mail in the company out box because he worked two jobs, had no postage and feared his payments would be late.

Although imperfect, they all had wonderful features, admirable features. And they gave me compassion and understanding when I needed it. Often, the behavior I disapproved of had something to do with the problem they were dealing with. I wouldn't learn that lesson for many years.

If I had known that 30 years ago, I wouldn't have sweated the second date.

Lord, let us all shine from inside with our love for our fellow man, and show that love every day. Amen.

Mikelle Fraizer

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