Saturday, March 27

Galatians 5:13-15


For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another.

This passage pulls no punches: It is strong and to the point. We are reminded that we have freedom; we are no longer in bondage to sin because of Christ. However, in order to accept this freedom, we must decide for ourselves whether we will accept or reject his love. Even if we open our eyes and hearts to the Lord, we still have more choices to make. We can lead idle lives of self-indulgence and sin, or we can follow the instructions of our Savior and love others as we would want them to treat us.

The gut reaction to this question is simple: We want to follow God and want to lead a Christian life. Accomplishing that goal can be exceptionally difficult.

I like to think that Paul in his letter to the Christians of Galatia knew how hard leading a Christian life could be. But he announces no short cut or easy way out. Instead, he is blunt.

He tells us that, as Christians, we must decide to sacrifice our unlimited freedom and willingly give our time, our treasure and our emotions to others. Although this is hard, we must daily renew our acceptance of the Lord and commit ourselves to serving others with love and compassion.

Dear God, I pray that with each action I take, I do you honor by treating others with the love and respect I would wish for myself. Amen.

Dallas Rakestraw

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