Sunday, March 7

Psalm 63:1-8


Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name.

David wrote this psalm when he was in the wilderness of Judah. It is considered a lament, although it reads in most part like a song of trust. The psalmist so revered the presence of God in his life that he devoted only a few ending verses to cite his personal need for security.

How wonderful it would be if we, in our daily lives and in our own times of need, would praise our Creator and Lord so fervently. Many of our blessings are simple ones that we may take for granted: the warmth of a loved one's hand, the smile of a child, laughter, hugs from family and friends, fellowship with others, beautiful music and the joy that comes from service to others.

For many of us, it is our good fortune to have within our reach comfortable homes, clean water and air, education, a place to worship and access to health care. With all these blessings showered upon us, how can we not praise God and give our thanks for his goodness? And, in times of grief, troubles or fear, we know that God is with us to surround us with comfort, love and encouragement.

Trusting in his goodness, being assured of his love, and praising God with our voices, in our actions and in our hearts, we must reach out in service to others using the abundant gifts we have received.

Dear Heavenly Father, let each of your children hear your word and express thanks for the love you sent through your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Marjorie Bender

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