Worship Services
Worship is where the people of God gather to name the places where we fall short and to celebrate the many ways that God meets us and welcomes us back in love. In worship, we hear the promises of God laced throughout the liturgy, reading of Scripture, preaching, prayers and lyrics of songs and hymns. In these regular gatherings, we are nourished with the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion. After we gather, speak, listen and eat, we are sent into the world as servants of God, guided by the Holy Spirit to make Christ known.
Saturday 5:30 p.m.
A spoken liturgy centers this evening worship each week. On the first Saturday of each month we include prayers for healing and the third Saturday leaves space for contemplative prayer. This is a shorter traditional service with Holy Communion.
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Our early service, Rise, is led by a music ensemble including piano, guitar, percussion and vocalists. This more informal worship time includes preaching, Holy Communion, and a children's message. Hymns, global song, and praise music are plugged into a liturgical framework, offering a contemporary service with all the best that Lutheran worship has to offer.
Sunday 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Learning Hour for all ages (Sept-May): Children, youth, and adults.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
This service, complete with traditional liturgies, preaching, Holy Communion, choirs, and a children's message, continues our strong history of Lutheran worship. Music is led by the organ, piano, parish choir and hand bell choir.
Children in Worship
We believe children belong in worship! We have special bulletins and busy packets for the young children in church. If you feel your child needs a break, you are welcome to use the infant quiet room at the rear of the sanctuary or make use of our nursery. The nursery is staffed with professional childcare on Sunday mornings.
Seasonal Worship
Seasonal worship services during Advent and Lent are also part of our life together. We gather on Wednesdays in December for Advent worship at 7 p.m. and in the early Spring for Lenten services at noon and 7 p.m.